neljapäev, jaanuar 12, 2006

Kus te olite augustis?

Meie lennuk A registreeriti augustis 2005 Eesti tsiviillennukite registrisse. Samal ajal nõudis lennuamet veel mitmeid dokumente, mis olid vajalikud enne lennuloa saamist. Dokumentide nimekiri oli EÜ määrustes ja sealt aeti siis näpuga järge. Kõik paberimajandus aetud ja lennuk lubati lendama.

Täna sain kõne, et 8. juuni 2005 võeti vastu uus määrus, mille kohaselt alates 1. jaanuarist 2006 peab isikutel, kellel on õhusõiduk mittetulunduslikel eesmärkidel, olema mittetulundusliku lennutegevuse registreerimistunnistus. Selle tunnistuse saamiseks on esiteks vaja meil põhikirja muuta (määruse kohaselt peab põhikirjas olema märgitud üheks tegevusalaks õhusõidukite käitamine) ja teiseks peab täiesti arusaamatu lennutegevuse käsiraamatu koostama.

Ma ei kujuta ette kes selle raamatu valmis teeb, sest piloot on pidevalt lennus ja minul jääb kõvasti puudu teadmisi. Raamat on aga vaja valmis teha ja võimalikult kiiresti.

Lisaks. Kus oli Lennuamet varem? Ega see määruse sisu saanud neile teatavaks täna, pool aastat hiljem. Nad oleks pidanud juba siis teatama, et näe, uuest aastast sihuke värk ja hakake asjaga tegelema.

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Anonüümne ütles ...

[url=http:/www./] Buying marijuana[/url] remains one of this most abused drugs specifically among the youth and has more than 200 street names for instance mary jane, weed, herb, pot, ganja, hash, among others. It comes from a Cannabis Sativa plant and is green or brown in appearance. The drug is derived from the flowers, leaves, seeds, and stems with the marijuana plant. Marijuana contains more than 400 chemicals but the primary active ingredient is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and is responsible for the drug's psychoactive and mind-altering side effects.

The psychoactive consequences of marijuana might vary depending on the route of administration, or in simple terms, how a person uses the drug. High doses of this drug can induce hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, and anxiety. Long-term users may perhaps have decreased interest in goals, hampered concentration, drowsiness, and euphoria --- all of which may possibly eventually lead to inappropriate decisions, poor physique coordination, and memory loss. Marijuna use might can also bring severe ruin to the lungs, impair respiratory functions, and ruin sexual wellness. Marijuana may cause serious damage to lungs, a lot more severe than cigarettes because it can be inhaled deeply and held for longer periods than cigarettes. Marijuana may well interfere with male sexual functions and reproduction by increasing vasodilation inside the genitals and ejaculation challenges. It may perhaps also trigger lessening of sperm count and degeneration. The females, about the other hand, may encounter suppression in the ovulation procedure, disruption of menstruation cycles, and damaged eggs. Excessive use of marijuana more than extended periods of time lead to depression, loss of libido, and impotence. The side effects of marijuana is associated with lower fertility rates and elevated risk of producing abnormal embryo.

In addition to these effects of marijuana abuse and [url=http:/www./] marijuana sale [/url], you will find other parts in the physique that are adversely affected by the use of marijuana. The chemicals found in this not [url=] legal weed[/url] have been reported to damage the brain's sensory reactions. High doses of marijuana also leads to incidences of hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, and anxiety.
Blood vessels may also expand due to vasodilation and may perhaps induce reddening with the eyes. The side effects of marijuana might be heightened if coupled with other street drugs like cocaine and Lysergic acid Diethylamide (LSD).

Its never too late to break the habit, or far more appropriately, the [url=] marijuana high[/url]. It could possibly seem hard since it's 1 of this most offered drugs that can very easily be acquired. Persons who wish to quit marijuana use generally encounter sleeplessness, irritability, elevated aggression, and other withdrawal symptoms. Having said that, overcoming the addiction and also the withdrawal symptoms isn't an impossible task. For some, becoming confined to a drug treatment facility and counselling might be needed to break the habit. Studies show that extra than 120,000 persons will enter a drug treatment facility to aid them in their marijuana difficulties. With the correct tools and attitude, quitting smoking and reducing the wellbeing outcomes of secondhand smoke may be easier than others think. Understanding ill-effects of marijuana to sexual well being and overall well-being is vital in ending the said addiction.
By the way, [url=] legal bud[/url] dont work! Just saying cause some mislead you into thinking its some sort of legal marijuana alternatives, which is absolutely lie!